2005-06 AND 2006-07 AJHL CHAMPIONS

November 13, 2007

Mr. Bruce Leiden
Leiden Woodworking
3645 Lane Road Suite 203
Perry, Ohio 44081

Dear Bruce:

On behalf of our entire organization and specifically our 2007-08 Junior Bobcats team, I would like thank you for the masterful job you and your woodworking team have done with the design and manufacture of our 25 dedicated locker stalls for our elite group of hockey players.

Bruce, I do not think a locker room can make a hockey team faster or stronger, but you have made our team happier and more together and there is a lot of good to realize when your team and your staff looks forward to "coming to work" as our team does.

My very best regards,

Fred W. Schoenhut
President, Owner
New York Junior Bobcats
40 Underbill Boulevard Syosset, NY 11791

© 2002-2004 Leiden Woodworking.